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My theme is less than a year old

HOME Forums Support My theme is less than a year old

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  • #9249
    Eddie Martin

    Renewal Notice

    “uh-oh, you are using the old version of the theme, need new features in the website, then without wasting your time refresh the website with the exciting new features, updates and free support only at $18 by using the code. “tp_renewal”

    By this you will get new features, updates and free support for entire one year.” Going by this you still owe me for support as I have not had this theme for a full years so the support and update should be free. Especially being you are still selling the same theme. Even if I did want to pay I do not see how


    OK. We are checking your order details.



    When you purchase our theme you will get lifetime access to the theme. But the theme updates and the support will only be valid for a year. If you renew it after a year you will get updates and support for another one year. But if you do not want to renew it then still you can use our theme without any issues.

    The renewable notification starts popping on the screen before a year is complete. It’s just a notification you can ignore it if you don’t want to renew it.


    Eddie Martin

    Again, I have not had the theme for over a year, so I should be getting support per what you just stated. What are these so-called exciting new features?

    Eddie Martin

    Also, this theme is not mobile-friendly.

    Eddie Martin

    “Registered: 10 months, 1 week ago” clearly states on my profile


    You will get support for a complete year. The renewable notification starts popping on the screen before a year is complete ( 2 to 3 months before). It’s just a notification you can ignore it if you don’t want to renew it.

    If you are getting issues on mobile please send your site URL or the screenshot so we can help you to resolve it. You can send a screenshot here support@themespride.com.

    Eddie Martin

    Nope, no notifications yet. When I ask for help on October 25th? I was told I had to renew/ upgrade as it was expired, even though it was less than ten months.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 4 weeks ago by Eddie Martin.

    We never told any customer to renew the theme. It’s their choice if they want to do this or not. In your case, As the year is not completed yet we are providing you the support.

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