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movie studio pro missing post plug in

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  • #6714
    Stephen Sweeney

    movie studio pro is missing the post plug in and I’m having issues customising certain things as well. that was the only reason I bought the fucking thing.



    We truly apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. Could you please send us the screenshot of the error you are getting? If any of the plugin missing in your downloads then you can redownload it any time from https://www.themespride.com/my-account/ “Downloads” section. Please let us know if you have any other question or concerns.


    Stephen Sweeney

    I realized what I was doing wrong and it was totally my fault. I retract my earlier comment. BUT I do have a question is there a way to attach a link to all the elements within the theme? Like Production House Category and Our Achievements. they have great animation but you can’t click them to go anywhere. site is https://kinkpx.com



    Currently, we do not have that option in the theme for adding links in the boxes. We are updating our theme and will require some time. But if you need then we can directly update this to your site. For that please make a user for us and send at support@themespride.com.


    Stephen Sweeney

    So I have to do this to like 10 sites that I want to have a cohesive theme. Would there be any way you could give me the code and tell me where to put it (before or after each piece). I can do it myself. 🙂 I may not write code but I can read it and understand it. I’ll send the same request to the email. my email address is nffilmsllc@gmail.com



    Unfortunately the changes will not go in one file, we need to edit multiple files. We will do the update in one of your site, then you can use that theme whenever you want. The updated will appear there also. Let us know your thoughts.

    Stephen Sweeney

    okay that could work but how would I get that theme from the 1 to the other 9 sites?


    You can download it from your cPanel or where you have hosted your site.

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