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How do I change the default info on Testimonials and Our Experts? Help!

HOME Forums Support How do I change the default info on Testimonials and Our Experts? Help!


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  • #848
    Mariana Martinez

    I can’t figure it out.
    the website is http://www.masterprorecovery.com




    Thanks for your reply.

    Kindly please refer the documentation: https://themespride.com/demo/docs/construction-hub-pro/

    Many thanks!

    Mariana Martinez

    The problem is the plugin Construction Hub Pro Posttype can’t be activated. There is an error when I try to install the plugin.

    Mariana Martinez

    The erorr says: Something went wrong with the plugin API.



    Plugins are utilities that provide additional functionality to your application. To install a plugin you just need to put the plugin files into the wp-content/plugins directory. Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it from the Plugins menu in your WP administration.

    OR Follow the steps given below:

    In WordPress 2.7 and above you can install plugins directly from the admin area. Download the plugin to your computer, then log in to your WP admin area and go to Plugins > Add New.

    Browse to the plugin archive and select it. Then click Install Now and the plugin will be installed shortly.

    The removal is also straight-forward in most cases. Simply remove the directory for the plugin you would like to uninstall and it will be automatically deactivated.

    Quick Review:

    To add a WordPress Plugin using the built-in plugin installer:

    Go to Plugins > Add New.
    Find the WordPress Plugin you wish to install.
    Click Install Now to install the WordPress Plugin.
    The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.
    If successful, click Activate Plugin to activate it or Return to Plugin Installer for further actions.

    If you need some other help please let us know.

    Thank You

    Mariana Martinez

    Thank you, got it figured out.

    Now I have another problem: How do I make the team pages show up? I added team members to the team sections, but when we click on the team member picture the page is not found.



    We have checked and it’s working well.

    Here it is: https://masterprorecovery.com/team/mariana-martinez/

    Let us know if you are still getting the issue.

    Many Thanks!

    Mariana Martinez

    Now I have a problem with the menus.

    When full screen in a computer, the menu on the header/topbar appears, opens up on the right, and the X to close it is on the top right.
    When in iPad screen, same thing, the menu on the header/topbar appears, opens up on the right, and the X to close it is on the top right.
    The problem is when on iphone screen. The menu on the header/topbar appears, opens up on the right, and the X to close it is missing due to the other menu (footer menu is called?) being on top, covering the section where the X to close the menu is. Viewers are unable to close the menu!!



    Thanks for the post.

    Kindly please provide us the screenshot so that we can help you.

    Many Thanks!

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