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Elearning Academy Education Pro Critical Error

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  • #9891
    Wanda Bryant

    I just installed the Elearning Academy Education Pro theme. I used the importer to populate the site with the content. Everything worked well until I tried to edit any of the pages. At this point, the site threw a “Critical Error” message. I tried troubleshooting by deactivating all plugins, but that did not resolve the issue. Running WP 6.4.1, PHP version 8.1. The error said to check for admin email for recommended solutions. I thought it was because I installed Pro over the free version, but I removed everything a reinstalled WordPress and the theme.

    Please does anyone have any recommendations on how to fix this error?



    Thanks for reaching out!

    Could you please make a user for us send its username and password along with the site URL at support@themespride.com. We will check the issue.


    Wanda Bryant

    You should have received the credentials from mcaplineinstitute.org.


    OK. We are checking.


    We have not received any email with the credentials . Please check the email once from your end.

    Wanda Bryant

    The Elearning Academy Education Pro Posttype plugin is causing the error. It is a required plugin, but I disabled it anyway.



    Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. We have fixed the issue you were having with the plugin. Now please go ahead and check if everything is working fine or not. If you have any other questions feel free to contact us here or on forum.


    Wanda Bryant

    Thank you. Whatever you did fix the error. I have another question. Is there a way to adjust the number of categories under Popular Topics?

    Wanda Bryant

    Hello; I understand you all do not help with customization, but I thought I would be able to customize more of the items myself. So is there a child theme you can provide so I can make some of the changes myself and not have to come to you for everything?

    Please advise. And should I open another thread for this question?


    We can provide the child theme but if you could specify what kind of customization you want with theme so we can assist you accordingly.

    Wanda Bryant

    Is there a way to adjust the number of categories under Popular Topics?


    No. There are fixed boxes.

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