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Conference Event Planner Pro

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  • #11560
    Kelly Luna

    Having multiple problems with this theme, I selected the free version from the WordPress repository and then upgraded, so I expected the pro theme to have the same customizer options and features with more options.

    The most pressing problem I am having is the “banner” image used on posts and pages. No matter what size/resolution image (from the customizer suggested size of 1600 × 110, the size of the demo image used – 1000×400, to one 2560 x 1440) I use, it ends up very pixelated. The demo image does not. How can I stop that?

    Additionally, I tried replacing it via the customizer, and it did get replaced, but *also* loaded as the background of the left menu (which structurally is coded as the header)- this was unexpected. When I removed it via the customizer it was removed from the menu background, but not the blog/page headers. I can *change* it PER page/post in the editor, and checking the ‘remove banner’ box on the page edit screen does remove the image added via the page editor… BUT the image that was uploaded via the customizer remains.

    The menu on the pro theme is different than the one in the free theme (submenu flies out, the transition is a bit smoother, and I’d prefer the one in the free theme. Is that possible? I am comfortable writing theme code and can manage copying and pasting it from the free to the (child) pro theme, but it would go a whole lot faster if you can please point to where to quickly find this menu’s code/styling. Same with the loading spinner.

    The free option to change the footer widget background does not exist in the pro version. Is there a way to get that option?
    Thanks in advance for your help.



    Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

    If you could share your site URL so we can help you according to your needs.

    Regarding the background image, yes it appears as a background image so that it works well on the mobile version as well. If you provide the site url then we can provide you the proper solution.

    The page banner will be replaced by the customizer -> General Settings https://themespride.com/demo/docs/conference-event-planner-pro/#page-banner.

    Yes, the free and the premium versions are a little bit different.

    Are you talking about the footer widget background color option?

    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by support.
    Kelly Luna

    Is it meant to ALSO be the background of the side menu – as well as the page headers? Because that is what happened and is part 1 of the problem, part 2 is that now that I have removed it, it still exists on the page headers; part 3 is that no matter what size image I use it end up pixelated. You won’t see it in the menu background when you go to the site because I removed it- even going so far as to delete it from the media library, but you will see it in the page/post header. The ability to share screenshots here or via email would be very helpful in describing my issue.

    I found the footer option.

    Kelly Luna

    Is there a way to just remove the banner image altogether on posts and pages? I cannot do so by checking the “remove banner” checkbox.


    Please try the banner 1000px x 460px.

    If you remove the banner then, the default banner will appear.

    If you could add the menu image then we can check the issue?

    Kelly Luna

    Sure, I have re-added the header image so you can see it in the menu background.

    I have selected “remove banner” for most pages and the default banner does not show. I have replaced the default banner (which is 1000px x 400px, not 460px) with my own in the theme folder, still no.

    Now the slider images are varying how much height they have, with the countdown timer overlay taking more space. I haven’t altered these at all since they were working on my last post. Each image is the same size, you can see the first image displays correctly, the next two are pushed up by the countdown instead of it being overlaid.

    Also all of the links in the top-menu are “tel:” links for phone numbers, but only one field is for a phone number. I’ll fix that in a child theme but you may want to fix it in your pro version.



    The menu background image issue is fixed on our demo with the same version. So you can update the theme by downloading it again from https://www.themespride.com/my-account/. Upload it from Appearance -> Themes or from the file manager.

    Slider images are added as background images. So its height will depend upon the content of that slide. In your case, one of the slides has 2 lines of heading and the other has one line. This is the reason it is varying in height.

    Header contact details links are also updated on the same version.


    Kelly Luna

    Thanks, I’ve done this, and the header image still shows up as the menu background.
    (Customizer> Header image>upload)
    Removing it (Customizer>Header image>remove header image) does remove it from the menu background, but not the page/post headers.
    Removing it per page (Page editor>Remove banner image checkbox) does not remove it, nor does it default to the default banner.
    In all instances the image is highly pixelated.
    The header links ARE fixed, thank you.
    I see that my free version of this theme auto-updated, did you perhaps update it there but not the pro version?



    The menu box is actually a header in this theme. So when you add an image from “Header Image”. It will apply to the vertical sidebar (Vertical Header). And the banner only appears on the inner pages. So that will be changed from the “General Settings” and if you want different banners for different pages you can go and add a banner from the “Banner Image” of each page individually.

    Click on the Remove banner, and publish the changes. It will remove the image and show the default banner image. Make sure you have not removed the default banner image from general settings.

    The free version of the theme is hosted on WordPress.org which is why it can be auto-updated. But the pro version is hosted on our server so it will be updated manually.

    Hope it is clear now but if you have any other query please let us know.


    Kelly Luna

    Thanks, yes, I understood this regarding the menu. The confusion comes from the image appearing both places- the menu and the ‘banners.”

    The main- *still unresolved issue* is that using the ‘remove banner’ checkbox does not revert back to the default image- it’s defaulting to the banner image I uploaded (which has now been deleted.) I have gone through each page and checked the box, hit publish again, and the theme still tries to load the header I uploaded several iterations ago- which has been deleted from the server entirely. I have ensured the theme’s default banner still exists and that there is nowhere that I am calling this self-uploaded banner. I need a default behavior/banner image behavior for new posts and pages where the user does not upload a banner, as the theme is designed to do.
    I’d love to understand why the banner images remain pixelated even when I use an image many times larger than your default banner. for an example see here:



    We have checked the image you have uploaded. You are uploading the large-size image but it is cropping the image and appearing as a 300x150px (https://7kn.297.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/lone-cypress-tree-17-mile-drive-monterey-pebble-beach-california-top-sights-hidden-gems-via-magazine-shutterstock_438915706.jpg-300×150.jpg) image. This is the reason it is getting pixelated. Your image dimension is very large it is 2477 x 1239. Please try and upload 1000px x 400px. And if it still getting pixelated please let us know.



    Also, check for the cache if you are using any cache plugin.

    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by support.
    Kelly Luna

    Hi, I have made a couple of replies here that I do not see. If you’re moderating me can you please reach out via email to continue support for these issues? Thanks.

    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by Kelly Luna.

    You can reach us at our email support support@themespride.com

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