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Cant import demo content

HOME Forums Support Cant import demo content

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  • #10223
    Jeffry de Graaf

    Hi, Im following the instructions given on the document but it seems it does not import the demo content? Its about the car wash theme pro https://themespride.com/demo/docs/car-wash-services-pro/#Demo-content

    Jeffry de Graaf

    Can i also change the blue color from Logo square?



    Thanks for reaching out!

    Have you completed the demo import process? Please send your site URL so that we will check.

    Please add the below code at Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS. Make sure to change the hex code of the color.

    .logo {
    background-color: #000000;


    Jeffry de Graaf


    Thanks alot. Is there like a list off the codes? Id like to change more colors such as the header back grond color. Now its a bit blue ish.


    Replace the color with hex code or with RGBA code

    .contact_details {
    background: rgba(38, 55, 135,0.6);

    Jeffry de Graaf

    Is there any place where i can find the CSS codes? Then i dont have to ask all the time 🙂

    Jeffry de Graaf

    Hi my buttons and icons changed into squares without anything. How to change this?

    Jeffry de Graaf

    And how do i change the color of the services that slide? the little boxxes


    No. We do not have any listings for codes. There are some options in customizer to change the color. And we provide codes if the user requires one that is not available.

    Regarding the squares, there must be some conflict with font awesome icons. please share your site URL. Also, you can install the “Font Awesome” plugin from plugins -> Add New. After successful installation activate the plugin and then check.

    For services box

    .service_box {
    background: #000000;

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

    Jeffry de Graaf

    Ah ok. I need codes for:

    Adjusting the size of the header
    Adjusting or moving the blue lines besides some titles
    Can i completely remove the icons at the top of the header? without anything on there?
    Adjusting the blue thing at the bottom? Also changing the text: Design & Developed by Themespride

    This is the URL: https://www.jdgcarcare.nl/

    Jeffry de Graaf

    And can on the Prijzen page ive marked only a box a color. Is there a setting in the theme i can make a page a complete color?

    Jeffry de Graaf

    .header {

    height: 100px; /* Voeg deze regel toe om de hoogte aan te passen */
    If i write this there will be a 2nd header that i adjust? How can i adjust the blue one with the logo en icons in it?



    Let us discuss your listed points one by one.

    Adjusting the size of the header: If you decrease your logo height your header height automatically gets decreased. Try this logo https://we.tl/t-PUvb19WUtW. You can crop your images with the help of this tool https://www.photopea.com/.

    Adjusting or moving the blue lines beside some titles: Footer title lines?

    Can i completely remove the icons at the top of the header? without anything on there?
    Try this:
    .row.contact-topbar.top-box .col-lg-3.align-self-center {
    display: none;

    Adjusting the blue thing at the bottom? Please share the screenshot.

    Also changing the text: Design & Developed by Themespride:
    This text cannot be changed. It can be removed then you can add your own text in the “Copyright” section in Customizer.

    Let us know your thoughts.


    Jeffry de Graaf


    At the bottom there is a about text and catogories text and there are blue lines through it. I need to change that
    When i change my copyright text there will still stand: Design & Developed By Themespride…
    I see on how to change the size of the header yes thanks. Now i need it to full the whole page in terms of width


    Please try this

    #footer h3:before, #footer h2:before, #footer h3:after, #footer h2:after {
    left: unset;
    right: 0;
    #footer h3:after, #footer h2:after {
    right: 33px;
    span.credit_link {
    display: none;

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